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Università degli Studi di Trento

CEEL Staff Marco Faillo

Marco Faillo

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Department of Economics- University of Trento
Via Inama 5
38100 Trento (Italy)
Tel: +39 0461882280
Fax: +39 0461882222

Email marco.faillo[at]unitn.it


 Current Position Index

Assistant professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Trento, Italy.


 Education Index

2006 PhD. In Economics and Management. Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy.
Dissertation: "Three Essays on Norms and Social Preferences"

1999 Post-graduate course in Decision Theory and Institutions at University of Castellanza, Italy

1998 B.A. in Sociology, University of Trento, Italy.


 Research Interests Index

Economic theories of institutions, organizations and norms; Behavioral and Experimental economics; Theories of fairness, reciprocity and altruism, Ethics & Economics.


 Publications Index

International refereed journals

  1. Faillo, M., Grieco, D. and Zarri, L. (2013), "Legitimate Punishment, Feedback, and the Enforcement of Cooperation", GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR , 77(1): 271-283. DOI: 10.1016/j.geb.2012.10.011
  2. Becchetti, L., Degli Antoni, G., Faillo, M. and Mittone, L. (2011) “The economic value of a meeting: evidence from an investment game experiment”, RATIONALITY AND SOCIETY. 23(4): 437 - 460. DOI: 10.1177/1043463111414124 .
  3. Dosi, G. , Faillo, M. , Marengo L. and Moschella D. (2011), “Toward Formal Representations of Search Processes and Routines in Organizational Problem Solving. An Assessment of the State-of-the-Art”, SEOUL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 24 (3): 247-286.
  4. Sacconi, L., Faillo, M. and Ottone, S. (2011) “Contractarian compliance and the ‘sense of justice’: a behavioral conformity model and its experimental support”, ANALYSE & KRITIK, 1/2011.
  5. Becchetti, L. , Degli Antoni, G. and Faillo, M. (2010), “Let’s meet up. The role of relational goods in promoting cooperation”, JOURNAL OF SOCIO-ECONOMICS, 39(6): 661:669. DOI: 10.1016/j.socec.2010.06.011
  6. Sacconi, L. and Faillo, M. (2010) “Conformity, reciprocity and the sense of justice. How social contract-based preferences and beliefs explain norm compliance: the experimental evidence”, CONSTITUTIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY, 21(2): 171-201. DOI: 10.1007/s10602-009-9080-x
  7. Dosi, G. , Faillo, M. and Marengo L. (2008), “Organizational Capabilities, Patterns of Knowledge Accumulation and Governance Structure in Business Firms. An Introduction”, ORGANIZATION STUDIES, 29 (August): 1165-1185. DOI: 10.1177/0170840608094775

Italian journals

  1. Faillo, M. e Silva, F. “Consumatori liberi di scegliere?”, Consumatori, diritti e mercato, n. 2, 2009. Altroconsumo, Nuove Edizioni, Milano.
  2. Sacconi L. e Faillo, M. (2005) “Introduzione al n. 4/05 di Impresa sociale”, Impresa sociale N. 4/05. Efficacia, efficienza e stabilità dell’impresa sociale: il ruolo della motivazioni ideali e quello dei sistemi di governo e di rendicontazione sociale, (a cura di Marco. Faillo e Lorenzo Sacconi). ISSAN Edizioni, Trento.
  3. Faillo, M. (2005) “Verso una maggiore complessità motivazione degli agenti economici”, Impresa sociale, N. 4/05. Efficacia, efficienza e stabilità dell’impresa sociale: il ruolo della motivazioni ideali e quello dei sistemi di governo e di rendicontazione sociale, (a cura di Marco. Faillo e Lorenzo Sacconi). ISSAN Edizioni, Trento.
  4. Sacconi, L. e Faillo M. (2005) “Come emerge l’impresa sociale? Uno sguardo d’assieme alla teoria della complementarietà tra ideologia, governance e accountability”, Impresa sociale, N. 4/05. Efficacia, efficienza e stabilità dell’impresa sociale: il ruolo della motivazioni ideali e quello dei sistemi di governo e di rendicontazione sociale, (a cura di Marco. Faillo e Lorenzo Sacconi). ISSAN Edizioni, Trento.
  5. Faillo, M. e Sacconi L. (2005) “Impresa sociale efficiente e complementarietà tra ideologia, governance e accountability. L’evidenza empririca”. Impresa sociale, N. 4/05. Efficacia, efficienza e stabilità dell’impresa sociale: il ruolo della motivazioni ideali e quello dei sistemi di governo e di rendicontazione sociale, (a cura di Marco. Faillo e Lorenzo Sacconi). ISSAN Edizioni, Trento.

Book chapters

  1. Becchetti, L., Degli Antoni, G. and M. Faillo (2010), “Social Distance, Cooperation and Other Regarding Preferences: A New Approach Based on the Theory of Relational Goods” in Degli Antoni, G. and Sacconi, L. (eds), Social Capital, Corporate Social Responsibility, Economic Behaviour and Performance, Palgrave MacMillan.
  2. Marco Faillo and Lorenzo Sacconi (2009), “La governance dell’impresa sociale” in Bruni, L. Zamagni, S. (a cura di), Dizionario di economia civile, Ed. La Città Nuova.
  3. Faillo M. and Sacconi, L. (2008), “Norm Compliance: The Contribution of Behavioral Economics Theories” in Innocenti, A. and Sbriglia, P. (eds.) Games, Rationality and Behaviour: Essays in Behavioural Game Theory and Experiments, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  4. Dosi, G., Faillo M. and Marengo, L. (2008), “Problem-Solving and Governance in the Capability-based view of the firm: The Roles and theoretical representations of Organizational Routines” in Becker, M. (ed.) Handbook of Organizational Routines, Edward – Elgar, pp. 107-124.
  5. Bruni L. and Faillo M. (2005) “La complessità delle motivazioni umane in economia” in Lorenzo Sacconi (a cura di) (2005) Guida critica alla Responsabilità sociale e al governo di impresa. Bancaria Editrice: 375-384


Faillo, M. and Sacconi, L. (2005), “Conformist preferences and reciprocity in the exclusion game: An experimental Investigation” in Kokinov, B. (2005) Advances in Cognitive Economics, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Economics, Sofia, 5-8 August 2005, NBU Series in Cognitive Science.

Working Papers

  1. Faillo, M., Grieco, D. and Zarri, L (2012), "Cultural Diversity, Cooperation, and Antisocial Punishment," Working Papers 09/2012, Università di Verona, Department of Economics University of Verona.
  2. Dosi, G., Faillo M. , Marengo, L. and Moschella D., (2011), “Modeling Routines and Organizational Learning. A Discussion of the State-of-the-Art”, LEM - Working papers No 2011/04, Sant’Anna School of Advance Studies, Pisa.
  3. Faillo, M. Grieco, D. and Zarri, L. (2010), “Legitimate Punishment, Feedback, and the Enforcement of Cooperation”, Working Paper 16/2010 Department of Economics Unviersity of Verona.
  4. Becchetti, L., Degli Antoni, G. and M. Faillo (2010), “Social Distance, Cooperation and Other Regarding Preferences: A New Approach Based on the Theory of Relational Goods” , Working Paper Econometica n. 18/10.
  5. Becchetti, L. , Degli Antoni, G. and M. Faillo (2009), “Common reason to believe and framing effect in the team reasoning theory: an experimental approach”, Working Paper Econometica n. 15/09.
  6. Becchetti, L. , Degli Antoni, G. and M. Faillo (2009), “Shedding Light into Preference Heterogeneity: Why Players of Traveller’s Dilemma Depart from Individual Rationality?”¸ Working Paper Econometica n. 9/09.
  7. Faillo, M. S. Ottone, and L. Sacconi(2008), “Compliance by Believing: An Experimental Exploration on Social Norms and Impartial Agreements”, Discussion Paper no. 10/08, Department of Economics University of Trento.
  8. Lorenzo Sacconi and Marco Faillo “Conformity, reciprocity and the sense of justice. How social contract-based preferences and beliefs explain norm compliance: the experimental evidence”, Discussion Paper no. 14/08, Department of Economics University of Trento.
  9. Becchetti, L. , Degli Antoni G., Faillo, M. and Mittone, L. (2007), “The glue of the economic system: the effect of relational goods on trust and trustworthiness”, CEEL Working Paper Working Paper, 5/07.
  10. Marco Faillo and Lorenzo Sacconi (2007) “Norm Compliance: The Contribution of Behavioral Economics Theories, Discussion Paper no. 4/07. Department of Economics University of Trento.
  11. Dosi, G., Faillo M. and Marengo, L. (2006) “Toward Formal Representations of Search Processes and Routines in Organizational Problem Solving. An Assessment of the State of the Art”, LEM - Working papers No 2006/10, Sant’Anna School of Advance Studies, Pisa.
  12. Sacconi, L. and Faillo, M. (2005), “ Conformity and Reciprocity in the “Exclusion Game”: An Experimental Investigation” Discussion Paper No 12/05. Department of Economics University of Trento.
  13. Faillo, M. (2004) “The cost of fair divisions. An experimental investigation of Ultimatum Games with Groups”. CEEL Working Paper 2/04.
  14. Dosi, G. , Faillo, M. and Marengo, L. (2003) “Organizational Capabilities, Patterns of knowledge accumulation and Governance structures in business firms. An Introduction” LEM - Working papers No 2003/11, Sant’Anna School of Advance Studies, Pisa.


  1. Italian translation of William Easterly (2006), The White Man’s Burden, [I disastri dell’uomo bianco. Perché gli aiuti dell’Occidente al resto del mondo hanno fatto più male che bene, Milano, Bruno Mondadori].
  2. Italian translation of William Easterly (2002), The Elusive Quest for Growth, [Lo sviluppo inafferrabile. L'avventurosa ricerca della crescita economica nel Sud del mondo, Milano Bruno Mondadori, 2006].
  3. Italian translation of Bruno Frey (1997) Not Just for the Money, [Non solo per denaro, Bruno Mondadori, 2005]




Department of Economics via Inama, 5 I-38100 Trento tel. +39 461 282201