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Department of Economics- University of Trento
Via Inama 5
38100 Trento (Italy)
Tel: +39 0461882280
Fax: +39 0461882222
Email marco.faillo[at]unitn.it
Assistant professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Trento, Italy.
2006 PhD. In Economics and Management. Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Italy.
Dissertation: "Three Essays on Norms and Social Preferences"
1999 Post-graduate course in Decision Theory and Institutions at University of Castellanza, Italy
1998 B.A. in Sociology, University of Trento, Italy.
Economic theories of institutions, organizations and norms; Behavioral and Experimental economics; Theories of fairness,
reciprocity and altruism, Ethics & Economics.
International refereed journals
- Faillo, M., Grieco, D. and Zarri, L. (2013), "Legitimate Punishment, Feedback, and the Enforcement of Cooperation", GAMES AND ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR , 77(1): 271-283. DOI: 10.1016/j.geb.2012.10.011
- Becchetti, L., Degli Antoni, G., Faillo, M. and Mittone, L. (2011) “The economic value of a meeting: evidence from an investment game experiment”, RATIONALITY AND SOCIETY. 23(4): 437 - 460. DOI: 10.1177/1043463111414124 .
- Dosi, G. , Faillo, M. , Marengo L. and Moschella D. (2011), “Toward Formal Representations of Search Processes and Routines in Organizational Problem Solving. An Assessment of the State-of-the-Art”, SEOUL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS, 24 (3): 247-286.
- Sacconi, L., Faillo, M. and Ottone, S. (2011) “Contractarian compliance and the ‘sense of justice’: a behavioral conformity model and its experimental support”, ANALYSE & KRITIK, 1/2011.
- Becchetti, L. , Degli Antoni, G. and Faillo, M. (2010), “Let’s meet up. The role of relational goods in promoting cooperation”, JOURNAL OF SOCIO-ECONOMICS, 39(6): 661:669. DOI: 10.1016/j.socec.2010.06.011
- Sacconi, L. and Faillo, M. (2010) “Conformity, reciprocity and the sense of justice. How social contract-based preferences and beliefs explain norm compliance: the experimental evidence”, CONSTITUTIONAL POLITICAL ECONOMY, 21(2): 171-201. DOI: 10.1007/s10602-009-9080-x
- Dosi, G. , Faillo, M. and Marengo L. (2008), “Organizational Capabilities, Patterns of Knowledge Accumulation and Governance Structure in Business Firms. An Introduction”, ORGANIZATION STUDIES, 29 (August): 1165-1185. DOI: 10.1177/0170840608094775
Italian journals
- Faillo, M. e Silva, F. “Consumatori liberi di scegliere?”, Consumatori, diritti e mercato, n. 2, 2009. Altroconsumo, Nuove Edizioni, Milano.
- Sacconi L. e Faillo, M. (2005) “Introduzione al n. 4/05 di Impresa sociale”, Impresa sociale N. 4/05. Efficacia, efficienza e stabilità dell’impresa sociale: il ruolo della motivazioni ideali e quello dei sistemi di governo e di rendicontazione sociale, (a cura di Marco. Faillo e Lorenzo Sacconi). ISSAN Edizioni, Trento.
- Faillo, M. (2005) “Verso una maggiore complessità motivazione degli agenti economici”, Impresa sociale, N. 4/05. Efficacia, efficienza e stabilità dell’impresa sociale: il ruolo della motivazioni ideali e quello dei sistemi di governo e di rendicontazione sociale, (a cura di Marco. Faillo e Lorenzo Sacconi). ISSAN Edizioni, Trento.
- Sacconi, L. e Faillo M. (2005) “Come emerge l’impresa sociale? Uno sguardo d’assieme alla teoria della complementarietà tra ideologia, governance e accountability”, Impresa sociale, N. 4/05. Efficacia, efficienza e stabilità dell’impresa sociale: il ruolo della motivazioni ideali e quello dei sistemi di governo e di rendicontazione sociale, (a cura di Marco. Faillo e Lorenzo Sacconi). ISSAN Edizioni, Trento.
- Faillo, M. e Sacconi L. (2005) “Impresa sociale efficiente e complementarietà tra ideologia, governance e accountability. L’evidenza empririca”. Impresa sociale, N. 4/05. Efficacia, efficienza e stabilità dell’impresa sociale: il ruolo della motivazioni ideali e quello dei sistemi di governo e di rendicontazione sociale, (a cura di Marco. Faillo e Lorenzo Sacconi). ISSAN Edizioni, Trento.
Book chapters
- Becchetti, L., Degli Antoni, G. and M. Faillo (2010), “Social Distance, Cooperation and Other Regarding Preferences:
A New Approach Based on the Theory of Relational Goods” in Degli Antoni, G. and Sacconi, L. (eds), Social Capital, Corporate Social
Responsibility, Economic Behaviour and Performance, Palgrave MacMillan.
- Marco Faillo and Lorenzo Sacconi (2009), “La governance dell’impresa sociale” in Bruni, L. Zamagni, S. (a cura di), Dizionario di economia civile, Ed. La Città Nuova.
- Faillo M. and Sacconi, L. (2008), “Norm Compliance: The Contribution of Behavioral Economics Theories” in Innocenti, A. and Sbriglia, P. (eds.)
Games, Rationality and Behaviour: Essays in Behavioural Game Theory and Experiments, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
- Dosi, G., Faillo M. and Marengo, L. (2008), “Problem-Solving and Governance in the Capability-based view of the firm:
The Roles and theoretical representations of Organizational Routines” in Becker, M. (ed.) Handbook of Organizational Routines, Edward – Elgar, pp. 107-124.
- Bruni L. and Faillo M. (2005) “La complessità delle motivazioni umane in economia” in Lorenzo Sacconi (a cura di) (2005)
Guida critica alla Responsabilità sociale e al governo di impresa. Bancaria Editrice: 375-384
Faillo, M. and Sacconi, L. (2005), “Conformist preferences and reciprocity in the exclusion game: An experimental Investigation” in Kokinov, B. (2005)
Advances in Cognitive Economics, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Economics, Sofia, 5-8 August 2005, NBU Series in Cognitive Science.
Working Papers
- Faillo, M., Grieco, D. and Zarri, L (2012), "Cultural Diversity, Cooperation, and Antisocial Punishment," Working Papers 09/2012, Università di Verona, Department of Economics University of Verona.
- Dosi, G., Faillo M. , Marengo, L. and Moschella D., (2011), “Modeling Routines and Organizational Learning. A Discussion of the State-of-the-Art”, LEM - Working papers No 2011/04, Sant’Anna School of Advance Studies, Pisa.
- Faillo, M. Grieco, D. and Zarri, L. (2010), “Legitimate Punishment, Feedback, and the Enforcement of Cooperation”, Working Paper 16/2010 Department of Economics Unviersity of Verona.
- Becchetti, L., Degli Antoni, G. and M. Faillo (2010), “Social Distance, Cooperation and Other Regarding Preferences:
A New Approach Based on the Theory of Relational Goods” , Working Paper Econometica n. 18/10.
- Becchetti, L. , Degli Antoni, G. and M. Faillo (2009), “Common reason to believe and framing effect in the team reasoning theory:
an experimental approach”, Working Paper Econometica n. 15/09.
- Becchetti, L. , Degli Antoni, G. and M. Faillo (2009), “Shedding Light into Preference Heterogeneity: Why Players of Traveller’s Dilemma
Depart from Individual Rationality?”¸ Working Paper Econometica n. 9/09.
- Faillo, M. S. Ottone, and L. Sacconi(2008), “Compliance by Believing: An Experimental Exploration on Social Norms and Impartial Agreements”,
Discussion Paper no. 10/08, Department of Economics University of Trento.
- Lorenzo Sacconi and Marco Faillo “Conformity, reciprocity and the sense of justice. How social contract-based preferences and beliefs explain norm compliance:
the experimental evidence”, Discussion Paper no. 14/08, Department of Economics University of Trento.
- Becchetti, L. , Degli Antoni G., Faillo, M. and Mittone, L. (2007), “The glue of the economic system: the effect of relational goods on trust and trustworthiness”,
CEEL Working Paper Working Paper, 5/07.
- Marco Faillo and Lorenzo Sacconi (2007) “Norm Compliance: The Contribution of Behavioral Economics Theories, Discussion Paper no. 4/07.
Department of Economics University of Trento.
- Dosi, G., Faillo M. and Marengo, L. (2006) “Toward Formal Representations of Search Processes and Routines in Organizational Problem Solving.
An Assessment of the State of the Art”, LEM - Working papers No 2006/10, Sant’Anna School of Advance Studies, Pisa.
- Sacconi, L. and Faillo, M. (2005), “ Conformity and Reciprocity in the “Exclusion Game”: An Experimental Investigation” Discussion Paper No 12/05.
Department of Economics University of Trento.
- Faillo, M. (2004) “The cost of fair divisions. An experimental investigation of Ultimatum Games with Groups”. CEEL Working Paper 2/04.
- Dosi, G. , Faillo, M. and Marengo, L. (2003) “Organizational Capabilities, Patterns of knowledge accumulation and
Governance structures in business firms. An Introduction” LEM - Working papers No 2003/11, Sant’Anna School of Advance Studies, Pisa.
- Italian translation of William Easterly (2006), The White Man’s Burden, [I disastri dell’uomo bianco. Perché gli aiuti dell’Occidente al resto del
mondo hanno fatto più male che bene, Milano, Bruno Mondadori].
- Italian translation of William Easterly (2002), The Elusive Quest for Growth,
[Lo sviluppo inafferrabile. L'avventurosa ricerca della crescita economica nel Sud del mondo, Milano Bruno Mondadori, 2006].
- Italian translation of Bruno Frey (1997) Not Just for the Money, [Non solo per denaro, Bruno Mondadori, 2005]
Department of Economics
via Inama, 5 I-38100 Trento tel. +39 461 282201