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Accountancy Diploma , Commercial Institute `A. Tambosi'
Undergraduate Student in Economics at the University of Trento
Course of SAS software
Software technician of the Cognitive and Experimental Laboratory at the University of Trento
Technician assistant of the course Applied Experimental Economics
Teacher in a seminar-course on experimental and computational economics, seminar on projecting and analyzing experiments
Italian: native
English: good
French: scholar level
Languages: Client-server softwares developed with Delphi, softwares of ananlysis and visualization written in Java,
agent-based simulation written in Objective C and Swarm, parser written in Python and Perl. Others known languages: C, C++, Pascal
O.S.: Network administrator of about 10 PC with Win 2000 and a server with installed Red Hat Linux, administrator of a Samba domain and netfs, tcp network.
Multimedia: Dinamical web page, linked to a database supported by the db engine MySql
Applications: Mathematica, Spss, R, Latex, MsOffice