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Università degli Studi di Trento

CEEL Events


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 Forthcoming Index



 Past Index

Workshop on "What is the behavioral in behavioral economics?"
   Trento, 5-6 June 2008

Cognition and Emotion in Economic Decision Making
   Rovereto, 26-27 January 2007

Workshop: methodological perplexities in experimental economics
   Trento (Italy), 29-30 May 2006

"Retroactive pessimism - looking back tactically"
   Relatore: Orit E. Tykocinski - Ben Gurion University - Israel
   Responsabile Scientifico: Prof. Nicolao Bonini
   Data e luogo: giovedì 23 febbraio 2006 - Ore 15.00 - Sala Riunioni DiSCoF
   (Trade Center, IV piano - Via Matteo del Ben, 5/b - Rovereto)
   (locandina in pdf)

Giovedì 17 novembre 05 - ore 12.00
   Responsabile scientifico: prof. Nicolao Bonini
   "Deciphering Descartes' Error - Experimental Tests of the Somatic Marker Hypothesis"
   Prof. Jonathan W. Leland, University of Trento & National Science Foundation
   Sala Riunioni del Dipartimento di Scienze della Cognizione e della Formazione
   Trade Center, IV piano - Via Matteo del Ben, 5 - Rovereto
   (locandina in pdf)

Lunedì 9 maggio 2005
   Responsabile scientifico: prof. Nicolao Bonini
   "The role of counterfactuals in choice and outcome evaluation"
   Prof.ssa Ilana Ritov, Hebrew University - Jerusalem
   Dipartimento di Scienze della Cognizione e della Formazione - Trade Center,
   Via Manzoni, ang. via Prati, Sala Spagnolli - Rovereto (Trento) -
   ore 12.45

8th CEEL Workshop on "Dynamic Choice and Experimental Economics"
   Bari (Italy), 28-29 January 2005

Workshop on "Happiness, economics, and interpersonal relationships"
   Trento (Italy), 3-4 December 2004

Workshop on Computability, Constructivity and Complexity in Economics
   Trento, 6-7 October 2002

Workshop on Ethics and Economics
   Trento, 2-5 April 2002

"Good Citizenship: Project Development Workshop"
   Trento, 15-16 February 2001

Workshop - Division of Labour, Variety and Technological Innovation
   Trento, 17-18 December 1998

Workshop on Experimental Economics

Conference: Monetary Theory as a Basis for Monetary Policy
   Trento, 4-7 September 1997

Conference in celebration of Clower
   Trento, 9-10 May 1996




Department of Economics and Management via Inama, 5 I-38100 Trento tel. +39 461 282100